[M] Gabe, as reflection on betrothals and weddings and festivals always fill my heart with joyous memories, allow me to now share still another splendid occasion in my most marvel filled life.

Following a brief betrothal, you know the young people are so anxious these days, Anne and Amos married. This took place late in the summer of 778. The children had made all of the plans. Rivka stitched some special garments. Yosef is always by my side in spirit, and so I just relaxed as we had in the heat of past mid days. And what a day it was to see.

My Josus escorted darling Anne to the Chappah, such a beautiful wedding canopy was it. There Amos stood so proudly. Can you even imagine, Gabe, that Rabbi had an elder blow Shophar? I must say, that was most unusual.

Amos, he is like my sixth son, had invited kin and friends from as far away as Caesarea. Rivka repeated often that no one in our village had ever been witness to such a festival. And did they rave about the abundant foods. Such fun! The wedded couple, in two days, departed for their new home in Caesarea.

I must tell you now some detail of Anne and Amos.

He is a merchant and trader in fine goods and food stuffs from regions surrounding the Great Blue Sea. I also understand that presently he manages quite a few sailing vessels. Dear Anne often accompanied him on long sea journeys to the most unusual of places, ports of Egypt and to Rome and beyond. She later reported that they acquired farms and buildings in a distant land. I think it is named Iberia, or whatever. The name is of no importance. The land is less dry than here and most fruitful.

Well, they had visited me often while living in Caesarea, but since then they left to live in this new place. How fine it is to see them happily taking leave to start a new life.

Oh did I mention that then she was with child? Blessed be the Most Holy One.

As time passed, their friend Levi visited me with news and brought writings. Jacob has read them to me. The script must be in Greek or the language of the Invaders, not in our dialect or Hebrew, as that would be of some familiarity. One writing told that they have sailed on a portion of some vast ocean, larger than even the Great Blue Sea. Another told that Anne and Amos at the present have two fine girls. Now I am a grandmother! Gabe, do you not believe I look much too young for that? King of the Universe, I am so blessed.

And even now I have you here to listen to my ramblings.

Thoughts come of dear son Simon. If this is repetition, hold accountable my old age.

Some time ago, Simon went off to places to the East and to the Persians. I do believe that he has visited the locations of those three strangers who visited my Yeshua soon after his birth. Simon is a successful trader in spices and oils, and he also barters with the fine woolen goods of our district.

Enough talk. It is so warm, do you not feel it? No breeze just yet, but soon. For now, let us go inside to enjoy some figs and drink of cool water.

Later this evening, as the chicken has already been slaughtered and flour cake rolled, you and I shall enjoy some fine Kreplach. Then if it is comfortable, we shall walk about and maybe speak some more. Afterwards I shall escort you to the home of my friends for your evening rest.